About Urostomies
When surgery is performed to remove a section or all of the bladder, it can either result in a stoma or a catheter.
Urostomy stoma’s only redirect urine, as they’re typically a result of serious bladder problems. Defective bladders can be hard to manage and often cause incontinence problems which are overcoming.

When an urostomy is needed
Standard urostomy surgery is where the ureters (small tubes that allow urine to flow from the kidneys to the bladder) are connect to the outside of the body using the small intestine. In this instance, a stoma is created slightly off centre on the lower stomach area of the body. The urine will then flow out of the body through the stoma.
Bladder cancer is the most common reason that (parts of) the bladder may need removing. However, individuals with cervical, uterine and prostate cancer may also require urostomy surgery if the cancer has affected their urethra.
Standard urostomy surgery is permanent and unreversible and may also be caused by injury and other types of surgery.
Continent surgery is another type of urostomy surgery whereby a pouch is created on the inside of the body, rather than brought out with a stoma. The pouch holds the urine until it is drained using a catheter, which is a small tube.
Products and maintenance
Individuals will have no control over urine passing through the stoma, which is why wearing a bag is essential.
Emptying a urostomy bag is required as often as you would typically use the toilet throughout the day. This means the bag will need emptying several times each day and are best emptied when half full or less. We find our customers with urostomy stoma’s change their bags roughly every three hours.

Pouch types
Urostomy pouches are recognisable by their opening outlet towards the bottom of the pouch which allows for drainage. Finding the right pouch size is key to caring long term for your stoma.
Urostomy bags can damage your stoma is they’re cut too small, much like leaks can irritate the skin around your stoma if the opening is too big.
There are main variables with urostomy bags, from one to two-piece pouches to flat, drainable, opaque and clear pouch options. They can also be pre-cut or cut to fit which means that choosing the right pouch for you can be overwhelming. That’s why our team of highly trained Customer Advisors can help you find a solution that meets your stoma care needs.
Browse our Stoma Products
View each category of stoma we cater for and order free samples to find your best fit. Our range of colostomy bags, ileostomy bags, urostomy bags and other stoma accessories are just a phone call away.
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